Conditional Logic

Create dynamic forms that adapt to user responses. Easily show/hide elements or skip pages

AI Form Generator

Streamline form creation with AI. Generate working forms with relevant form elements and content

Password Protection

Enhance security by limiting form access to authorised users by locking your form with a password

Teams Functionality

Take full control of each other's forms in your team. Edit them, publish, and access results

Unlimited Customisation

Make your forms truly stand out thanks to endless possibilities for design in Figma

Answer Piping

Create interactive forms with questions that adapt to user responses

Form Validation

Mark specific fields as "required," ensuring that respondents provide mandatory answers

From Figma To Web

Seamlessly transform Figma designs into web-ready forms, share and collect responses


Choose multiple options from a list

Radio Buttons

Select one option from a list


A single-line/ large text inputs for brief and longer answers


Pick from a menu of options in a compact format


Prioritise items by arranging them in a specific order


An interactive way to capture a range of values

Star Rating

Rate items or experiences with a simple star-based system

Scale Rating

Assign numerical rating on a scale, e.g. used for satisfaction surveys


Ensure accurate email submissions by restricting input format


Seamlessly transform Figma designs into web-ready forms, share and collect responses


Input numerical values, ideal for quantities or measurements


Let your respondents choose a date from the calendar


Add clickable links to direct respondents to additional resources

File Upload

Allow respondents to upload files of various formats while filling out a form

GPS Location

Let respondents share their live location with you

Location on Map

Let respondents communicate a particular location by selecting it on the map


Collect electronic signatures online

Image Choice

Use images as options in single and multiple choice questions

Embed Audio

Add audio elements directly into your form

Embed Video

Seamlessly integrate videos within your form

Embed HTML

Customise your forms extensively by embedding HTML code

Shareable Link

Easily share a link to your forms & surveys with respondents


Embed your form seamlessly into your website/ app using the generated HTML snippet

Data Storage

Your respondents’ data is securely stored in our servers

Data Export in CSV

Easily export your form responses into CSV files to manage data

Graphs & Charts

Generate charts and graphs from the collected data, in a form of editable vectors in Figma

Sticky Notes

Transform open question responses into visual sticky notes directly in Figma


Directly integrate data into Notion for streamlined productivity.


Seamlessly integrate data with Airtable for dynamic organization.

Google Sheets

Manage data with ease through real-time integration into Google Sheets


Integrate data that you collect from the Weavely forms with over 6000 apps.

More Form Elements

Our motto is "forms without limits". Therefore, our goal is to provide our users with the most custom and unique form widgets to further extend their creative capabilities.
Stay tuned!

More Integrations

We recognise the importance of seamless workflows. We want you to be able to integrate your design and data ecosystems with email marketing and CRM tools, as well as with payment processors and cloud services.

AI improvements

The future of form design and data collection is AI-driven. Expect even more intuitive experiences, with AI-powered suggestions that understand your design intent and streamline the entire process.