Sending Data to Airtable (Automation)

This tutorial explains how to send data from your Figma-designed form to Airtable

Are you using Airtable as a backend system, or just looking to store the data you capture with your Weavely form in Airtable. In this tutorial we explain you how to do just that.

Would you rather have a Weavely team member explain this to you in a video? Check out this video tutorial:

Creating Your Airtable Automation

To link your form to Airtable you'll need to create an automation. You can do this in the Automation menu in the plugin as follows:

Configuring Your Airtable Automation

You can name your automation, this makes it easier to later find and edit it. Besides this there are two essential configurations needed to setup your automation:

Access Token:

go to , create a new token with the following scopes: data.records:write and schema.bases:read. Don't forget to indicate which Base you want Weavely to be able to access.

Once your token has been created, simply copy and paste it's Token ID into the Weavely plugin. The gif below runs you through these steps:

Table URL

This is the URL linked to the table in which you want to store data. Navigate to the desired table and copy the URL from your browser.

Matching your Airtable Schema

For the automation to work properly you'll need to make sure that the columns in your Airtable match your Weavely form. More precisely, the names of the columns must match the names of the form elements. This ensures that Weavely knows which data needs to be added to which column. Note that this is case sensitive, your column names must exactly match the names of your form elements. For example, say you have built the following form in Weavely:

There are 4 four elements that will actually produce data: Email, Company, Team and Learn. This means that our Airtable columns will need to be named as follows:

The order of your columns does not matter, but choosing the right data type for your columns will enhance the value you get out of your data. For example, the Learn element in our form is a checkbox. By making our Learn column in Airtable a multi-select we ensure that these match optimally.